Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Do You Believe In Mental Telepathy? Is It Real? Yes, It Exists But With The Help Of Science.

Finally after making a lot of effort mental telepathy is considered as real with the help of science. With the help of researches done on this topic, it has been proved that people located at miles away from one another can transmit the exact thoughts. For the completion of this experiment the researchers used the people in France and India. With the help of the emitter, it was quite easy to transmit the thoughts to others by just thinking of the words like “ciao”, and “hola” that too without using written or spoken words but just through brain waves which get transformed into pulses of light. The individual who was receiving it was able to observe the light pulses which are being transmitted by the other individual thoughts alone.

1. TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)

This experiment was completed by taking the help of EEG which is also known as Electro Encephalo Gram. The technique is very similar to the one which is generally performed by the doctors to treat the patient of paralysis. In the technique they utilize their waves of the brain to transmit the commands to a robot arm which helps in carrying out the work like holding a cup and thereafter taking it to the patient’s mouth. The researchers linked this method with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation i.e. TMS, under which one can transmit brain waves just like the light’s pulses.

2. To convey the thoughts from one person to other

By taking the help of these two technologies the researchers placed a cap on the individual’s head to convey the thoughts from one person to other who was being hooked up with the Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation machine. The words translated into binary code and then delivered to the receiver’s brain. To perform this experiment it requires 4 people, 3 receivers and 1 emitter.

3. Several important moral, legal and ethical implications will be revealed

Professional explains that the technology that is being used in mental telepathy is at elementary stage, and so to improve it in a better way it needs huge amount of additional research and work so that the people can suppose to be walking through the street and get in contact with each other only through brain waves. Professional explains that with the help of this research done in the field of mental telepathy several important moral, legal and ethical implications will be revealed.

4. Humans can also communicate with computers through brain waves or possibly with computerized robots

According to the scientist, some new legislation should be made so in the coming future people can read the mind of other people, and the humans can also communicate with computers through brain waves or possibly with computerized robots. This experiment shows the hard work of the scientists, but after thinking that whether the public would hold this new technique of life where they will allow others to read their thoughts.

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