Monday, October 12, 2015

How To Use Your iPhone Like a Pro

Double Tap Space Bar for Period

Wait, are you telling me you actually use the period button when typing a text... like some kind of chump?! Just tap space bar twice and keep typing. Your iPhone will take care of things and insert a period and capitalize the next word.

Shake It Off

In just about every single app, if you've typed something and then instantly regretted it, don't hit the backspace key. Just shake it off.

No, seriously. Physically shake your iPhone. That will undo your most recent bit of typing. If you want it to come back, just shake the phone again. You'll look like a crazy person, but we promise you it actually works.

Reply to Texts in the Notification Banner

You don't have to open up the Messages app every single time you want to reply to a text message. Instead, just pull down on the banner notification from the top of your screen and you can type a quick response right there. Time is money, after all, so I think I just saved you five bucks.

Fast Web Suffixes

Tap and hold that button next to your space bar to gain quick access to common web suffixes like ".com," ".net," and ".org." If you'd like to access a ".biz" site, may we suggest a time machine back to the year 2002?

Squeeze Out Extra Battery Life

There are a bunch of ways to increase your iPhone's battery life without making any noticeable changes. For instance, in the App Store settings, tell it to only update your apps when you're already connected to WiFi. Also, turn off background refreshing for apps that you barely use. And while you're at it, turn off location-based alerts and location-based ads, too, because those are just plain creepy.

There, you just extended your battery life. Easy peasy.

Have Siri Generate a Random Password

Has your mind gone blank right at the moment when you need to think up a password? Just ask Siri; she'll auto-generate one. You can even specify the length and inclusion of special characters.

Now remembering this password, on the other hand? That's all you, buddy.

Lock Auto Focus

Everyone knows that you tap your screen to temporarily focus your phone's camera. But, did you know if you press and hold on a certain part of the screen, it'll lock focus on that spot? Those Instagram shots of your lunch will never be the same again.

Find Lost iPhone

If you can't find your phone, and you have the free Find My iPhone app installed, then you should remotely activate Lost Mode. That will password protect the phone and add a custom message on its lock screen for the thief-- I mean, good Samaritan who happened to stumble upon your iPhone-- to contact you.

Toggle HDR Photos

HDR (short for "High Dynamic Range") is the process of capturing several different ranges of smaller exposures and then merging them all into one image. In short, it's like auto-Photoshopping an image for brightness, color, and contrast. And it's super easy to do, too. Just open up the Camera app, tap "HDR" at the top, and toggle it on.

Test it out and see how you like it.

Double Tap with Three Fingers to Zoom

Did you know that tapping your screen twice with three fingers will zoom in? That's right, enable magnification by broadly smashing your hand onto your phone a few times. You can file this tip under "Life Hacks for Grandma."

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