Friday, September 11, 2015

10 Tips on How To Clean Glasses

If you don’t take good care of your glasses, they will not take good care of your eyes. That is something you must put into serious consideration when brainstorming on how to clean glasses. Some people clean their glasses with complete ignorance of the given guidelines. That can easily cause breakages and other forms of damages to your glasses. But, you must stick to the given cleaning instructions all the time. It should not be problematic for you getting answers to queries on how to clean glass for your eyes.

How To Clean Glasses
Clean Regularly

Whether your eyeglasses are new or old, they should be cleaned more often to ensure they are clean for longer times. Use a clean and soft piece of cloth for wiping out the glasses if they have dust or dirt. If you have used a wet cloth, leave the glasses for some time to dry and that is a key aspect on how to clean glasses.

Avoid Water

Even though you will have the temptations to use water for addressing how to clean eyeglasses concerns, try not to use that. Water is a damaging agent for glasses and using it more will lower durability of your glasses. If you are to use water for cleaning your glasses, it has to be in the form of a damp cloth.

Use Microfiber Cloths

There are many cleaning materials to use but microfiber cloths will always be the best bet. You should have as many as possible and ensure they are clean and dry. The good thing with these cloths is that you can have them slit further to make it convenient addressing your how to clean eyeglasses concerns. Look for cloths that have a smooth material to avoid scratching the glasses.

Use Diluted Dish Soap

Are you wondering how to clean glasses in a stress-free manner? You should consider using diluted dish soap over other cleaning agents. This soap does not have reactive ingredients like vinegar, alcohol and bleach which can easily damage eyeglasses. If you value the coating of your glasses, use this soap to clean.

Don’t Use Tissues

One thing that people don’t know is that tissues are made from wood material. What does that mean in your efforts to address how to clean glasses concerns? Chances of your glasses suffering scratches if you clean with tissues are very high so you should avoid them at all cost. Never consider cleaning your eyeglasses with tissues to avoid scratches.

Consider Spraying

There are many ways to consider on how to clean eyeglasses but spraying is the most favored by many people. Choose an appropriate cleaner and have it sprayed on the glasses. That will make sure you don’t have too much of the cleaner sitting on the glasses which can be damaging. Then, wipe out with a soft cloth and in a gentle manner. Never apply cleaners directly but spray for regulation purposes.

Remove Scratches

Scratches are one of the most annoying problems that you can encounter when cleaning eyeglasses. Is that complicating your tricks on how to clean glasses? If yes, you should not worry because there are many ways to remove scratches from your glasses. You can use silver or brass polish, toothpaste, baking soda, vehicle wax and furniture spray. Any of these alternatives will be good for your consideration since they are safe to the glasses.

Try White Vinegar

Not all types of vinegar that is bad for cleaning eyeglasses as white vinegar is a good choice. Are you wondering why and how to clean glasses with white vinegar? Well, you should have a few drops of this vinegar rubbed into the lens of the eyeglasses after which you can wipe out using a soft piece of cloth. This vinegar has acetic acid that helps to dissolve any oil or dirt found on the skin around the eyes. In turn, that ensures the glasses remain clean all the time. White vinegar is friendly to the environment, cheap to buy and safe for cleaning.


  • It is always important that you leave your glasses to dry after cleaning. After addressing how to clean glass issues, you should not be on the rush to wear them. They will be prone to damages once used when wet thus allow few minutes to air dry.
  • When getting glasses off your eyes, use both hands. One hand might shake and have the glasses fall down. Is that important when addressing how to clean glasses concerns? It is and should not be overlooked.
  • What is the best time to deal with how to clean glasses queries? It is advisable that you clean your glasses at night right before you sleep. This is so because they are not in use at night thus will have enough time to dry.
  • It is advisable that you wear your glasses after cleaning. Why? That will help you note if there are any dirty areas that have not been handled. That is a good way to settle your concerns.

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