An extraordinary courage and leadership of a ordinary man strengthened the prospects of United States and this man was none other than Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of United States. The incidents happened in his life have motivated the people to a greater extent and gave them a new hope to endure every adversity of life. I had read this story in several newspaper articles and books and was keen to make my readers informed about this inspirational episode. Let’s take a glimpse at this short story and you will know the real meaning of persistence, courage and efforts.
Abraham Lincoln was listening to the story of a nervous friend who was narrating about the failures and misfortunes of his life. After his narration was over, Abraham Lincoln told the person to have a glance at a board. The friend of Lincoln minutely glanced at the board and read the content written on the board. The content written on the board were the list of failures occurred to Abraham Lincoln during his life. After reading the content on the board, a new shine of hope appeared on the person’s face and he heartily thanked Lincoln for showing him a new direction towards his goal.
Let’s take a glance at the list of disheartening failures which Lincoln smiling endured and went on to become a great leader of America.
- Unsuccessful in business ( at age of 21)
- was miserably lost in legislative elections (at age of 22)
- Faced the untimely death of his sweetheart (at age of 24)
- Had to suffer a severe nervous breakdown (at age of 27)
- Was defeated in Congressional race (at age of 34)
- Had to face failure of becoming a Senator (at age of 45)
- Failed again in becoming a vice president (at age of 47)
- Had to overcome the failure of losing Senatorial race (at age of 49)
- Finally became the 16th President of United States of America(at age of 52)
Such heartbreaking failures could lead any person to nervous breakdown or dampen his confidence. But Lincoln faced every disappointment and failure with courage and marched on to path of success and leadership. His life was an inspiring story of courage which inspired countless leaders and upcoming youngsters all over the globe. If you want to know more about President Abraham Lincoln, do his read his biography and you will come to know about the struggles, failures happened in the life of Lincoln. Hope you liked this article.
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